Studio Brat CEO, Nigerian singer, songwriter Simisola Ogunleye, popular as Simi, is being dragged on social media for openly identifying with feminism, a subject that advocates for women’s rights and equality of the sexes. The mere mention of the word makes the skin of a lot of people cringe because of the extent to which this topic has been taken.

In a series of tweets, the 31-year old said feminism makes men feel vulnerable because the society that supported superiority is starting to know and want better for the womenfolk.

Check on the exchange between fans and the award-winning musician and wife to fellow singer Adekunle Gold here.

Feminism is a range of social movements, political movements, and ideologies that aim to define, establish, and achieve the political, economic, personal, and social equality of the sexes. the advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes. Nigerian author Chimamanda Adichie is one woman known for being a strong feminist over the years.

Lots of men feel threatened by feminists because they feel like these women are fighting to become like men and so their misogyny is threatened. The average African man especially thinks it is a man’s world, so the guys should be excused from bad behavior but the woman should be gagged if identified with any wrongdoing.

Like the woman ”Caught in the very act” of adultery as she was termed by the Pharisees in the biblical scripture John 8:1-11 where the law of Moses commanded such women to be stoned, and nothing about the men was mentioned. A society that protects men but holds women accountable for their actions is a global shame. Fairness and equality on rights isn’t such a bad thing to fight for!

The slavery mentality where for example a woman isn’t allowed to contribute an opinion during a meeting, a man is paid higher than a woman for doing the same job or a man can cheat on their spouse but there are laws in place against a woman who attempts cheating and society frowns at such a woman, are some of the reasons women will not stop clamoring for equality until we all come to proper reasoning.

Simi started her career as a gospel singer, releasing her debut studio album in 2008, titled Ogaju. She gained prominence in 2014 after releasing “Tiff”, a song that was nominated for Best Alternative Song at The Headies 2015.