A wise teacher once said to his students “ to become successful in life is not a function of what you know or don’t know, it is not as a result of what you can do or not but as a result of the encounters you have in life”, to buttress his point, he continued and said “ simon peter was a professional fisherman and a capital failure until he encountered Jesus Christ, Jacob was a shepherd but also a failure before he had an encountered at bethel; and so many of the likes of them both in the bible days and this present times were failures before their encounters.

Are you also a professional or an ordinary person that is struggling with failures in life? Are you afflicted by sin, sickness, poverty, etc? the only genuine escape route is for you to give your life to the greatest contact in life, “ the God of all flesh”. He will cleanse, bless you and make you successful in all you will ever do in life.

If you want to accept him as your lord and personal savior, please pray the following prayer… Lord Jesus, I believe you died for me and that your blood pays for my sins and provide me with the gift of eternal life. By faith I receive that gift and I acknowledge you as my lord and saviour. Amen”.

For prayers/counseling, and also, to be a distributor of our free tracts, call.. 08160900157, 08180703026. To support the work of evangelism, kindly pay into access Bank Acct NO. 0805254888. Project Tell The World.

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