Russia is given Ukraine two conditions to stop the ongoing war which entered Day 12 on Monday. Meanwhile, the UNHCR said more than 1.5million people had fled Ukraine since Russia Invaded.
Meanwhile, as Russian forces advanced towards the Kyiv the capital. There have been call for delegates from both countries to hold peace talks. Russian President Valdimir Putin has stressed the prerequisites for ending the offensive against Ukraine.
Putin spoke during a peace talk which lasted for 5 hours at the Belarus border. However, for Russia to end it’s invasion Valdimir Putin has stressed out two necessary conditions to met for a possible halt in Russian Offensive.
Here are two notable conditions Russia gave Ukraine to stop the war:
Kremlin wants Ukraine Demilitarised.
“Putin stressed that a settlement is possible if only Russia’s legitimate security interest are unconditionally taken into account this involves the demilitarization and denazification of the Ukrainian state and ensuring its neutral status,” kermlin said. The Federation has also demanded that Ukraine recognize Crimea as part of Russia. The country asked its neighbors to give up three regions and scrap its army, daily Post report.
The Kremlin demands that Donetsk and Lugansk become independent state.
The regions have witnessed battle between Russian backed separatists and Ukrainian forces for eight years. The fedration also demand that Ukraine also recognise Crimea as part of Russia. This was disclosed as conditions during a peac talk meeting held.