There are certain topics that you may have difficulty bringing up in conversations with your significant other, but some questions need to be asked.

5 relationship questions you're too shy to ask your husband... But you totally should! 5 relationship questions you’re too shy to ask your husband… But you totally should!

We’ve compiled some of these questions, and it’s ok if they make you think twice before throwing them out in the open, but maybe somehow you’ll get the courage to ask them.

5 Relationship Questions You Need Courage To Ask

1. Am I enough for you in the bedroom?

5 relationship questions you're too shy to ask your husband... But you totally should! 5 relationship questions you’re too shy to ask your husband… But you totally should!

Sexual needs are always a taboo subject. It doesn’t matter if you’ve only been dating for a couple of weeks or if you’ve been together for a couple of decades. You always want to make sure that you’re performing well for your partner in the bedroom. But it can be difficult for a lot of people to ask this question because it would hurt too much to realize that they just aren’t meeting the needs of their partners. However, sexual intimacy can always be built on and improved over time.

2. Am I better than your previous partners?

5 relationship questions you're too shy to ask your husband... But you totally should! 5 relationship questions you’re too shy to ask your husband… But you totally should!

Another awkward question to ask your significant other is if you are actually able to compete with previous relationships. Of course, you would want to believe that your partner thinks so much better of you than they would of their exes. But you can’t really know for sure unless they tell you. That’s why this is such a difficult question for people to ask.

3. Have you ever cheated on me or felt the urge to?

5 relationship questions you're too shy to ask your husband... But you totally should! 5 relationship questions you’re too shy to ask your husband… But you totally should!

Cheating is difficult. This question can even often feel like a trap. Depending on the personalities of the people involved in the relationship; the answer to this question could potentially make or break a romance. The act of cheating is one thing, but feeling the urge to cheat on a partner is another animal entirely.

4. Do you still have feelings for your ex?

5 relationship questions you're too shy to ask your husband... But you totally should! 5 relationship questions you’re too shy to ask your husband… But you totally should!

As difficult as it may be to think about, people always find themselves wondering if their partners still have feelings for their exes. You never want to come off as needy or competitive, but you still can’t help but be curious if there is something that you should be worrying about with regards to your partner and their exes.

5. Are you happy being with me?

5 relationship questions you're too shy to ask your husband... But you totally should! 5 relationship questions you’re too shy to ask your husband… But you totally should!

Insecurities can often eat us up on the inside. And one of the best ways to appease these insecurities is to seek validation from external sources. You can feel totally insecure about your place in the relationship, and you might need your partner to reassure you of your worth.

These are all very legitimate questions, that need asking. What’s more, asking them and getting answers will help your relationship grow.

So there’s really no way out of it but to do something that’ll blow their minds like a romantic dinner date or a gift they’d appreciate, then suck in your cheeks, chin up and fire away!

We’re rooting for you here!