If your mother is a second wife, she was once a side chick. You have no right to stop your husband from marrying another woman – Nigerian lady says

If your mother is a second wife, she was once a side chick. You have no right to stop your husband from marrying another woman – Nigerian lady says

If your mother is a second wife, she was once a side chick. You have no right to stop your husband from marrying another woman - Nigerian lady says

A Nigerian lady, Muhammad Bharaqah Ize, has said any woman whose mother is a second wife don’t have the right to stop her own husband from marrying another woman. “If your mother is a second wife, she was once a side chick, you don’t have any right to abuse side chicks or deny your husband a second wife. Polygamy is the reason you exist,” she wrote.  

If your mother is a second wife, she was once a side chick. You have no right to stop your husband from marrying another woman - Nigerian lady says

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