It is common knowledge that fruits are very nutritious and good for the body. They help maintain a healthy and strong immune system. Most people eat fruits regularly because they are not only tasty and delicious, but they are also packed with medicinal nutrients that help a person live longer.

Fruits include oranges, pineapples, watermelons, paw paw, mangoes, grapes, apples, and much more. But no matter how good these fruits are, there are still some of them that cannot be eaten whole. This is because some fruits contain poisonous parts that are harmful to the body.
1. Drive

Mango is a tasty fruit but its seeds are very deadly and dangerous for the body. A mango is not really among the healthiest fruits in the world and that is why eating its seed can have direct consequences for a person’ s health.
2. Cherry

Cheery is a type of fruit that is mainly found in Africa and especially in Nigeria. It is highly consumed once its season begins. The cherry is tasty and sweet, but its seeds contain a poisonous acid known as cyanogenic glycosides, a compound that is capable of killing a person if they consume large amounts.
3. Apple

The apple is one of the most classic fruits loved by many in the world. Apples are great, but don’ t eat the seeds. Like the cherry, apple seeds contain cyanogenic glycosides, a compound that is very poisonous and can cause long- term illness.

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